
Members of Diabetes Wellington will receive info and support to help keep you up to date with your diabetes and also knowing that you are supporting a charity that supports the diabetes cause. 

Members receive the following

  • Subscription to Diabetes News newsletter and monthly email updates.

  • Diabetes Shop is located in the Information Centre with low-sugar jams, sauces and other diabetes specific products such as blood glucose meters, lancing devices, glucose tablets etc.

  • Free access to overseas magazines we subscribe to
  • Membership discount to go on a Supermarket Tour, Cooking Classes, and Educational classes.

  • Free Pamphlets with diabetes information and record books.

  • Updates through our website:

  • Telephone Assistance.

  • Liaison with Medical Services.

  • Advocate for people with diabetes.

  • Confidential & Professional Services.

  • Supporting Diabetes Research.


 Please note: Normally we offer access to a Diabetes Field Officer but cannot do so at present due to retirement. A search for a replacement is underway and we hope to offer this service again shortly.

Ready to Join?

To join, fill in the information below. 


A Welcome Package including information about diabetes will be sent to you as soon as we receive your application and member fee. Cost is $25 per annum if in paid employment or $20 if a pensioner/unwaged/student

Fill in the form below to join online and pay by credit card.